Responsible Disclosure Policy

Le vulnerabiltà scoperte dal team di sicurezza di AlmavivA verranno pubblicate su questo spazio web e solo quanto riportato qui è da considerarsi una risorsa ufficiale.

Responsible vulnerability disclosure

This policy outlines how the Almaviva CyberSecurity handles responsible vulnerability disclosure to product vendors, Customers, security vendors and the general public. Almaviva CyberSecurity will responsibly and promptly notify the appropriate product vendor of a security flaw with their product(s) or service(s).

The first attempt at contact will be through any appropriate contacts or formal mechanisms listed on the vendor Web site, or by sending an e-mail to security@, support@, info@, and with the pertinent information about the vulnerability. Simultaneous to the vendor notification, protection filters may be distributed to Customers through approved channels.


If a vendor fails to acknowledge Almaviva CyberSecurity initial notification within five business days, Almaviva CyberSecurity will attempt a second formal contact by a direct telephone call to a representative for that vendor. If a vendor fails to respond after an additional five business days following the second notification, Almaviva CyberSecurity may rely on an intermediary to try to establish contact with the vendor. If Almaviva CyberSecurity exhausts all reasonable means in order to contact a vendor, then Almaviva CyberSecurity may issue a public advisory disclosing its findings fifteen business days after the initial contact.


Address the vulnerability

If a vendor response is received within the timeframe outlined above, Almaviva CyberSecurity will allow the vendor 4-months (120 days) to address the vulnerability with a security patch or other corrective measure as appropriate. At the end of the deadline, if a vendor is not responsive or unable to provide a reasonable statement as to why the vulnerability is not fixed, Almaviva CyberSecurity will publish a limited advisory including mitigation in an effort to enable the defensive community to protect the user. We believe that by taking these actions, the vendor will understand the responsibility they have to their customers and will react appropriately. Extensions to the 120-day disclosure timeline will not be granted.


If a product vendor is unable to, or chooses not to, patch a particular security flaw, Almaviva CyberSecurity will offer to work with that vendor to publicly disclose the flaw with some effective workarounds. In no cases will an acquired vulnerability be “kept quiet” because a product vendor does not wish to address it. To maintain transparency into our process, we plan on publishing a summary of the communication we’ve had with the vendor regarding the issue. We hope that this level of insight into our process will allow the community to better understand some of the difficulties vendors have when remediating high-impact bugs. Almaviva CyberSecurity will make every effort to work with vendors to ensure they understand the technical details and severity of a reported security flaw.